Damaged wall, exposed burst water pipes, sponge and bucket

Innovation to stop a leak becoming a flood

Zurich, 15 March 2021

Following a successful pilot project concluded by the Eurapco Lab Core Innovation Team and Länsförsäkringar Södermanland of a solution to prevent water leakages in homes and buildings, the local Swedish company decided to take the project to the next level after the indicial pilot by scaling it up to 30.000+ homeowners, all of whom will benefit from the solution over the course of one and a half years.

From a business model perspective, the devices will be offered without passing on any additional costs to customers. Länsförsäkringar Södermanland took this decision based on the data analysed by the Core Innovation Team who identified that the small device can drastically reduce the size of a water damage and therefore the cost of claims by detecting leakages in early stages, thus benefiting both the insurer and its customers. The initiative will impact single-family homes in the area of Södermanland in Sweden.

This successful collaboration strengthens our commitment to supporting and accelerating innovation across the Eurapco alliance. Linn Bruhn, Project Manager at Länsförsäkringar Södermanland, responsible for implementation of the initiative says, “Eurapco Lab’s focus on innovation and sustainability is exactly what the insurance industry needs. Our collaboration in the area of water savings is a triple win – for us as an insurance company, for our customers and for the environment.”


Dirlene Lopez

Marketing and Communication Specialist